top headliners
We offer graphics for stories such as banners, story posters , and story backgrounds. Our number one goal is to give our customers the best quality graphics that makes you want to come and request for more. If you own a site and want a header, we also make site headers as well as site affiliate buttons . All it takes is 3 easy steps. Just read the rules, fill out the form with details and hit submit. So why don't you come and give a try? Still hesitating? Well go and check out the past works of our designer and then make your decision to request or not to request. We hope though, that you choose to request.

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Sunday, August 26, 2012
Just a little update since i haven't been doing any. Even though I don't do updates, i do update my status page and affiliate page. I don't have much to say, that is why i don't usually write update posts. But i just wanted to let everyone know, Top headliners is still alive and taking in requests. Though from now on, it might be slow. School has started now, and I won't have as much time. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't send in your request. Please do send them. But also just respect that I will be taking that three week to do your request.

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