top headliners
We offer graphics for stories such as banners, story posters , and story backgrounds. Our number one goal is to give our customers the best quality graphics that makes you want to come and request for more. If you own a site and want a header, we also make site headers as well as site affiliate buttons . All it takes is 3 easy steps. Just read the rules, fill out the form with details and hit submit. So why don't you come and give a try? Still hesitating? Well go and check out the past works of our designer and then make your decision to request or not to request. We hope though, that you choose to request.

it is a once in a lifetime chance.
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hello everyone,.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
i apologize that it is not often when i do come on and update the website.
school and life has just kept me away. and i cannot lie. i lost motivation.
i am lost at the moment. on if i should stay solo or find people.
but until then, i will take requests alone.

speaking of requests,well, until november of this year, i will try my best to take in requests.
why november? my domain expires in november. you might see me with a new site then.
but until then, topheadliners is only here until november and i do not plan to renew.

another thing about requests,
i have now only changed it to story posters and background for stories.
i will no longer be doing any other types of graphics because i am forever lazy.
and i want to start off easy to get back into motivation to do art.

a new look will made sometimes within the next week if i can find the time to make it.
i am currently a full-time student that attends campus monday through saturday.
with sunday being my only free day. but even then, i have to jam pack everything in that day.
so please be understanding that i will try to get things done fast.

i am trying really hard this time to actually make the posters.
and not to laze off that i cannot finish requests.
i do apologize beforehand if i take a while to finish your requests.
however, most of the time i only take about a day or two to finish.
but if it comes in a bunch, i try to get the bunch done and upload all at once.

maybe with the new layout, i will add a new segment to my site.
but until then, i am only focusing on making story posters and whatnot.

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