top headliners
We offer graphics for stories such as banners, story posters , and story backgrounds. Our number one goal is to give our customers the best quality graphics that makes you want to come and request for more. If you own a site and want a header, we also make site headers as well as site affiliate buttons . All it takes is 3 easy steps. Just read the rules, fill out the form with details and hit submit. So why don't you come and give a try? Still hesitating? Well go and check out the past works of our designer and then make your decision to request or not to request. We hope though, that you choose to request.

it is a once in a lifetime chance.
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Wednesday, October 31, 2012
So it's been a while since I've done any updating.
I am busy with school, but I feel I should get Top Headliners more active.
So soon, I will come back with a new layout.
I need to start advertising and affiliating more too.
I will try to come back more active.

Until then, do request still. I am still very open to graphics.
But since it's not that busy due to my over so laziness, i haven't checked my email a lot.
And therefore I do apologize when the requests are late.

Orz, okay I'm just trying to make this a long update. keke.
I am not sure what I am even babbling on about.
BUT I AM STILL VERY ALIVE. I've just.. been into roleplaying.
That is the reason for my absence. And it has been addicting.
But now, I will do my best to get into graphic designing once again.

I apologize if my work is bad or if I am a lazy person.
I will try my best to improve that. Until another day for a new update.

I bid everyone farewell with a wish to have a safe Halloween.
Kids, be safe! Have fun everyone! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

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